If you have photos you'd like to include
here, simply e-mail them to zotigh@hourglass-usa.com
or if they are not scanned in, you can send them via regular mail to:
Scott Zotigh
1200 Lake Air Drive
Waco, Texas 76710
We'll scan them in and send them right back to
you. I'd love to get all the Zotigh family photos scanned and
preserved. Especially the older ones which have never been scanned
in. It's also nice for the whole family to be able to see the photos of
our relatives and ancestors which some of our families have that others might
not have seen yet.
Just miscellaneous photos below for test purposes.

Kiowa County Court House, Hobart, OKlahoma.

Old Hobart, Oklahoma school

Satank, Set-aghn-gia, Sitting Bear (related by way of Belle
Koomsa, his granddaughter)

Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma emblem, by Roland Whitehorse.

Driftwood at Lake Waco, 1998.

Roy and Stephen Hall and their wives. (l-r Inez, Stephen, Ruby,

Isabelle and Herbert Doyeto, and Willy Jack (photo
provided by Dustin Art Guolattle)

Kiowa clothing from the 1800's period. (Dennis Zotigh)

(Scott and Ken Zotigh at Kiowa Black Leggings Warrior

1898, Unknown Kiowa man
(taken at the TransMississippi & International Exposition of 1898, Omaha Nabraska)
*Grandpa Harry and Grandma Belle were teenagers at this time. They knew these
gentlemen. Neat, huh? :)
((For some thirty years after this picture the Kiowa still held Gourd
Dance. After about 1932 it stopped. But our Gourd Dance was revived
again, "...around 1955, as a special presentation at the American Indian
Exposition in Anadarko, Oklahoma, the Kiowa director, Fred Tsoodle,
gathered together the following men, Clyde Ahtape, Harry
Hall Zotigh, Fred Botone, Oliver Tanedooah, and Abel
Big Bow who were in Kiowa Gourd Dance dress and singers Bill Koomsa and
William Tanedooah who knew and remembered the dance songs of the gourd

1898 Unknown Kiowa man.
(taken at the TransMississippi & International Exposition of 1898, Omaha Nabraska)
*Zoom in on the mocs....if the picture didn't already say, "Kiowa"....
you'd already have known. :)

1898 Unknown Kiowa men.
(taken at the TransMississippi & International Exposition of 1898, Omaha Nabraska)
*Would love to know what family these gentlemen are from. If anyone
knows..please e-mail me.
** Mr. Allen Dale Ahdokobo e-mailed that the gentleman kneeling is 'Old
Man Two Hatchet'.

(taken at the TransMississippi & International Exposition of 1898, Omaha Nabraska)